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wondered at. You ought to have seen them play - they were just as sure to catch a ball as a self acting machine would be. and could bat Lamb’s pitching all over the field. There was a great crowd to see them. A number of the Chicagos were small sized giants. Walden who play 2nd base on our side had hurt his hand a few days before and that weakened the nine a good deal as he couldn't play.

The other day when I was playing ball, my position being first base, a ball struck my little finger and put it out of joint, breaking the skin a little, and like a ninny or a "gump" fainted for a few seconds.

Last evening another fellow got the same joint of his little finger put out - There is evidently something wrong with that ball.

A few days ago I walked down to the boat house and saw the crew pull. they say that their pulling is a great improvement in that of last year. I hope we shall beat.

The New York alumni have lent the club a launch for the coach to go out in. The Harvards have bought one I believe. I suppose the weather now in Washington is perfectly wasting. I hope it won't be so when I go on. Has Hobbs got a bicycle yet. I advise Duzy to get a Columbia. Ely sent his machine back as it didn't have on the kind of bearings ordered. If mine is the same I think I shall send it back and get a Columbia. Ely intends to get a Harvard. I am going away on Friday and meet Wright in N.Y where he is going the day