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at them. Has mine been ordered. I think it will take about 6 weeks to get one - I hear the man who makes them is very busy. The leaves are coming out here & in a short time I suppose the trees will be covered. I suppose they are much further out in Washington. We got a new schedule of studies the other day. They had to be arranged differently - I don't think the arrangement is as good as it was. Friday afternoons however we don't have any thing to do. Last Friday afternoon Billy Williams, a senior, and I went down and looked over a yacht - "The WinSome" that one of the academic fellows owns - He is as rich as Croesus and paid $3,000 for it. Is is a splendid boat - a sloop. and the cabin is fitted up in high style.

Did you get the photograph I sent and how did you like it. Last Wednesday I walked out to Hamilton Park thinking there was to be a game of base-ball but when I got there - the ball ground was bare - at least bare of a game. The freshman were [practising?] so after looking on a few minutes - I took myself off &went up to see Ely and Hiller who live in West Divinity I had quite a bicycle talk &c. I went down to N.Y. Friday night with Wright who went to have his [throat?] attended to.